Choose Your Plan


  • Internal website report
  • Cross linking
  • One search query
  • One article per week
  • Monthly report


  • Internal website optimization
  • Cross linking
  • Three search queries
  • Three articles per week
  • Monthly report


  • Internal website optimization
  • Cross linking
  • Three search queries
  • Three articles per week
  • External linking
  • Monthly report


Internal website report – Once a month, a full analysis of the website is performed to ensure that it meets Google’s requirements for optimization.
We will provide you with a full report on the “health” of the website from Google’s point of view and give recommendations on which parameters need to be improved. In this case, all the work will be done by your specialists.

Internal website optimization – There will be an ongoing full analysis of the website in terms of meeting Google’s requirements for optimization. All elements that slow down the site, as well as elements that violate Google’s requirements, will be changed.
The textual and graphic content of the site’s promoted pages is changed from the point of view of the most optimal content according to Google’s requirements.

Cross linking – Creating cross links on the pages of the promoted site to increase the “weight” of the promoted pages according to search queries. Both existing pages and newly created pages with articles are used as “donor” pages.

Search query – A search query that promotes a website on Google’s search engine. We recommend using three-word queries that are as focused as possible on your potential audience. For example, for a real estate agent working in Miami, Florida (USA), the query “condo” is not as important as, say, “buy condo in Miami”. The query should immediately lead to your site’s customers who are looking to fulfill a need, not just get information.

Articles – We create a blog on your website (or continue an existing blog) where we publish SEO-optimized articles with text and graphic content. The purpose of these articles is to increase the “weight” of your site in the eyes of Google search engine, to gain its own “weight” and pass it to the promoted page.
We guarantee absolute uniqueness of both text and graphic content.

External Links – We place links to promoted pages on external websites. These links are placed in text materials that are thematically relevant to the promoted pages on your site.
We do not use automated services to place such links on “dirty” resources. All links are manually reviewed and installed. One of the main tasks of an SEO specialist is to maintain your site’s authority in the eyes of the Google search engine.